- Launches at Savoy Q1 2025 -
DanceCOMP Competitor GUIDE |
Competition Dancing in Second Life
Competition Dancing in Second Life (“DanceCOMP”) was created by 2LDance.org and SavoyBallroom.org creative teams. DanceCOMP is modeled after Real Life competition dancing but in a virtual world setting. The excitement of competing with and among other dancers is the essence of Competitive Dancing in both Real Life and Second Life. DanceCOMP dancers compete together as couples or as individuals (volunteer partners are available.) The goal is to appear as realistic and as creative as possible.
Competitions are judged in three performance categories:
DANCES - appropriate dances selected for each musical segment (tempo & style)
TRANSITIONS - smooth transitions between dances (at animation loop points) and use of PAUSE animations during announcements between song sets.
APPEARANCE - visual presentation of both dancers, with focus on Costumes. Solo dancers can compete as leads of any gender and will be provided a volunteer dance partner of the opposite gender. These volunteers will have generic costumes in several colors, and several body shape heights, to match the solo competitor.
Competitions are judged in three performance categories:
DANCES - appropriate dances selected for each musical segment (tempo & style)
TRANSITIONS - smooth transitions between dances (at animation loop points) and use of PAUSE animations during announcements between song sets.
APPEARANCE - visual presentation of both dancers, with focus on Costumes. Solo dancers can compete as leads of any gender and will be provided a volunteer dance partner of the opposite gender. These volunteers will have generic costumes in several colors, and several body shape heights, to match the solo competitor.
All dances at Savoy have a one digit number at the beginning of the dance name, which identifies the tempo bracket of that dance in Beats Per Minute (BPM.) A "zero" tempo dance is a pause, which should be used when there are gaps in the music. Pauses may involve hand holding, hugs. posing or just standing in place. Songs in our 401 Practice Center audio stream are encoded with the BPM in the song name, so you can see that track information as they play. Songs used in competition are not encoded, so you will have to quickly estimate the tempo, just like dancing in real life. |
In the open dancing competition, all dancers compete to reach the Final Four Finale. A wide variety of songs (and song segments) will be played and the dancers will compete. At the end of the open round, the judges will announce the Final Four competitors. All other dancers move outside the competition circle for the Finale.
Dancers will begin by the LEAD moving inside the competitor circle and standing on a marker facing in the direction of the arrow. The lead clicks the couple's dance machine to bring the animation balls to his left. The FOLLOW joins and they promptly switch to a PAUSE animation while awaiting the beginning of the next song.
With each song change, dancers should smoothly switch to an appropriate new dance. Extra credit will be given when multiple compatible dance animations are selected during a single song. From time to time, the music will pause to allow for an announcement. During the announcement, dancers should move to a PAUSE animation and resume dancing with the beginning of the next song.
MEDAL ROUND: Final Four Finale
In all DanceCOMP competitions, the top FOUR dancers compete in the Final Four FInale, or medal round. The four couples take the competition floor and dance through several songs as determined by the judges. These performances are judged the same way, except the scores result in four award levels:
First: Platinum. Second: Gold. Third: Silver. Fourth: Bronze.
Dancers Choice Awards
During the competition a contest board will be open to allow everyone present to register and vote for the dancers they feel are the best. The contest board will determine the top three winners based upon votes cast. Participants should vote for the female (Follow) of a competitor couple except for solo male competitors. Volunteer dance partners are not eligible to participate in the contest board. Dancers Choice Awards will be given as follows:
First: Ruby. Second: Emerald. Third: Sapphire.
In the open dancing competition, all dancers compete to reach the Final Four Finale. A wide variety of songs (and song segments) will be played and the dancers will compete. At the end of the open round, the judges will announce the Final Four competitors. All other dancers move outside the competition circle for the Finale.
Dancers will begin by the LEAD moving inside the competitor circle and standing on a marker facing in the direction of the arrow. The lead clicks the couple's dance machine to bring the animation balls to his left. The FOLLOW joins and they promptly switch to a PAUSE animation while awaiting the beginning of the next song.
With each song change, dancers should smoothly switch to an appropriate new dance. Extra credit will be given when multiple compatible dance animations are selected during a single song. From time to time, the music will pause to allow for an announcement. During the announcement, dancers should move to a PAUSE animation and resume dancing with the beginning of the next song.
MEDAL ROUND: Final Four Finale
In all DanceCOMP competitions, the top FOUR dancers compete in the Final Four FInale, or medal round. The four couples take the competition floor and dance through several songs as determined by the judges. These performances are judged the same way, except the scores result in four award levels:
First: Platinum. Second: Gold. Third: Silver. Fourth: Bronze.
Dancers Choice Awards
During the competition a contest board will be open to allow everyone present to register and vote for the dancers they feel are the best. The contest board will determine the top three winners based upon votes cast. Participants should vote for the female (Follow) of a competitor couple except for solo male competitors. Volunteer dance partners are not eligible to participate in the contest board. Dancers Choice Awards will be given as follows:
First: Ruby. Second: Emerald. Third: Sapphire.