- Launches at Savoy Q1 2025 -
Competition Dancing in Second Life
DanceCOMP Scoring (100 max)
Judges assign each performer a point score in three performance categories as shown below. When a panel of judges are available, their scores are averaged together to provide the final open round competition score. At the end of the open round, the judges identify the top four scores to move forward to the Final Four Finale. The maximum total points possible is 100.
0-60 Dance selection
0-30 Tempo Speed of dance and music comparable
0-20 Type Dance style fit the music
0-10 Flair Creativity and Personality shown across dances
0-10 Smooth transition between animations
0 = mostly observed jump transitions
5 = few observed jump transitions
10 = no observed jump transitions
0-30 Appearance Lead & Follow costumes (except Solo Competitors)
0 No effort made to dress up or match
6 Some basics covered
12 Colors and styles match, not “street clothes”
18 Nicely matched, recognizable theme, well costumed
24 Extremely well done, well matched. (Usually this is top awarded)
30 Exceptional - Best in class - ornate - impeccably matched
Costume Decorum: No nudity is allowed. Keep all sexual bits covered. Costumes help set the theme and style of a dance couple. Costumes can visually blend two dancers together. Be mindful of scripts which will lag your performance and the experience of others.
From RL DanceSport: “What sorts of things do judges look for? Posture, correct musical timing, pleasing lines, musicality and expression, appropriate characterization, and overall performance are elements crucial to judging any form of dance.”
Final Four Finale is judged in the same manner resulting in four award levels:
First: Platinum. Second: Gold. Third: Silver. Fourth: Bronze.
Judges assign each performer a point score in three performance categories as shown below. When a panel of judges are available, their scores are averaged together to provide the final open round competition score. At the end of the open round, the judges identify the top four scores to move forward to the Final Four Finale. The maximum total points possible is 100.
0-60 Dance selection
0-30 Tempo Speed of dance and music comparable
0-20 Type Dance style fit the music
0-10 Flair Creativity and Personality shown across dances
0-10 Smooth transition between animations
0 = mostly observed jump transitions
5 = few observed jump transitions
10 = no observed jump transitions
0-30 Appearance Lead & Follow costumes (except Solo Competitors)
0 No effort made to dress up or match
6 Some basics covered
12 Colors and styles match, not “street clothes”
18 Nicely matched, recognizable theme, well costumed
24 Extremely well done, well matched. (Usually this is top awarded)
30 Exceptional - Best in class - ornate - impeccably matched
Costume Decorum: No nudity is allowed. Keep all sexual bits covered. Costumes help set the theme and style of a dance couple. Costumes can visually blend two dancers together. Be mindful of scripts which will lag your performance and the experience of others.
From RL DanceSport: “What sorts of things do judges look for? Posture, correct musical timing, pleasing lines, musicality and expression, appropriate characterization, and overall performance are elements crucial to judging any form of dance.”
Final Four Finale is judged in the same manner resulting in four award levels:
First: Platinum. Second: Gold. Third: Silver. Fourth: Bronze.