Savoy Creative Team |
A core value of Creations Park is empowering creativity in people.
Here are the people who, together, create the experience of Savoy. |
Savoy/CP Swing Venue by:
Scripted devices by: Show Choreography by: Creative advisor emeritus: Dance classes by: Decorations and interior themes: Ambassador-in-chief: Site & Facilities Guru: Chief Instigator: |
Lesly Singh (leslystarbridge)
Barbie Alchemi Carlyle Chaparral Zizi Stormcrow (major enhancements) Ydille Jackie Brown (antarctica.ferraris) Asher Quorzar Zizi Stormcrow Mathew (MathewKosse) now a DJ! Barbie Alchemi Carlyle Chaparral |
DJs & Show Guides:
Dru (drucilla.karu) Maka (makalii.rhiadra)
DJSwing (Carlyle Chaparral) Earl Hines (earlhines)