Second Life's 20th Birthday - Dance 101 Exhibit
Second Life’s 20th Birthday Celebration has invited Savoy Ballroom and to produce an exhibit of our Dance 101 Class. We invite friends of Savoy Ballroom to come be Guides for this class during the celebration event.
WHERE: Savoy’s Dance 101 Class
(access not available prior to 6/22 opening.)
WHEN: 24 Hours a Day, Thursday, June 22 through Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
WHO: Friends of Savoy Ballroom in SL (Savoy Group Members) - Couples work best but individuals can be guides without a dance partner.
HOW: Request a “SAVOY SL20B Guide” Group tag from Carlyle Chaparral or MathewKosse (DJ MAT). Go to the exhibit at any time. If Guide(s) are present, work out a time to come back and relieve them.
WHAT TO DO: Start by having the Lead stand in the circle inside at the center of the dance classroom dance floor, under the Intan dance machine heart. Click the big red heart and small dance hearts will appear on either side of the Lead’s head. The Lead will click the blue heart and the follow will click the pink heart. Approve the request to animate and you will immediately start a simple dance. Click the heart again to receive a menu of the dances to select from. You are encouraged to use the Intan dance HUD. instructions on how to obtain and use the Intan HUD are part of the exhibit.
Note that unlike the TIS Couples machine used at Savoy, an individual can perform the Intan dances without a partner.
The dance class consists of four 15-minute segments each covering six dances, and repeats non-stop. As the course progresses, students click each of the six dances as guided by the course narrator. Those six dances are on the first dance machine menu you see, although many more dances are included on the other Menu Pages of the Intan.
As guests arrive to the classroom, help them take a position on one of the six student dance circles and get started. You can also discuss the Savoy Ballroom and what we do in Second Life. There is a photo gallery of Savoy just outside the classroom. Invite guests to click the current month event list in the gallery to obtain a landmark to Savoy.
We will provide a note card in-world of typical phrases to use to assist guests. you can copy and paste these phrases into chat or DM.
COSTUMES! We encourage our Guides to “dress up” as you are helping with the class. Here are examples of three suggested styles of outfits for you to consider.
WHERE: Savoy’s Dance 101 Class
(access not available prior to 6/22 opening.)
WHEN: 24 Hours a Day, Thursday, June 22 through Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
WHO: Friends of Savoy Ballroom in SL (Savoy Group Members) - Couples work best but individuals can be guides without a dance partner.
HOW: Request a “SAVOY SL20B Guide” Group tag from Carlyle Chaparral or MathewKosse (DJ MAT). Go to the exhibit at any time. If Guide(s) are present, work out a time to come back and relieve them.
WHAT TO DO: Start by having the Lead stand in the circle inside at the center of the dance classroom dance floor, under the Intan dance machine heart. Click the big red heart and small dance hearts will appear on either side of the Lead’s head. The Lead will click the blue heart and the follow will click the pink heart. Approve the request to animate and you will immediately start a simple dance. Click the heart again to receive a menu of the dances to select from. You are encouraged to use the Intan dance HUD. instructions on how to obtain and use the Intan HUD are part of the exhibit.
Note that unlike the TIS Couples machine used at Savoy, an individual can perform the Intan dances without a partner.
The dance class consists of four 15-minute segments each covering six dances, and repeats non-stop. As the course progresses, students click each of the six dances as guided by the course narrator. Those six dances are on the first dance machine menu you see, although many more dances are included on the other Menu Pages of the Intan.
As guests arrive to the classroom, help them take a position on one of the six student dance circles and get started. You can also discuss the Savoy Ballroom and what we do in Second Life. There is a photo gallery of Savoy just outside the classroom. Invite guests to click the current month event list in the gallery to obtain a landmark to Savoy.
We will provide a note card in-world of typical phrases to use to assist guests. you can copy and paste these phrases into chat or DM.
COSTUMES! We encourage our Guides to “dress up” as you are helping with the class. Here are examples of three suggested styles of outfits for you to consider.